Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Daily conversation time

For the last five months, on the four days per week that I take J to school, we've had a routine where we sit down together in the library for a few minutes (2-5) and have a chat (always in German of course). 

(Thanks to librarian Tanya H. for the photos)

This has become an important part of our L2 routine after the pre-k days when we had one whole day together per week. It is also a lovely bit of quality father-son time. It's one of those many ways in which our L2 relationship, which I, like many people, had initially feared would feel unnatural, has in fact encouraged behaviors and interactions that contribute to the quality of the relationship with my son. If I had never undertaken to speak German with him, would it have occurred to me to set aside a few minutes every day to just chat with him? Maybe. But maybe not!

Initially I would read something like jokes or riddles. In the last couple of months I've stopped doing that and we've just been talking about whatever comes up. Recently it's been World of Warcraft. All I have to do is ask J about his characters and quests and he'll just narrate away.

Another thing I've started doing recently is to have him ask me questions. His task is to think up one good question every morning, about something he doesn't know about me or his mother. The goal here is to encourage him to take an active interest in other people's lives and perspectives, become a good listener and interlocutor. He has good social skills already (L2 may play a role in this), this is just building on that.    

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