Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Monday, September 7, 2015

Media today 217

Reading: Karl Olsberg, WürfelweltM. E. Martin,  Minecreft Comics: Die Legende des HerobrineRoger Hargreaves, Miss Prinzessin; A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär. Gesamtausgabe, 174-175. ListeningIch weiß was, Albert E. erklärt unsere Nahrung (0 - 25:00). Description/narration (Minecraft): 25 min. 

The Olsberg story, one of the recent spate of "Minecraft novels," is pretty cool, I must say. Very snappily written. J loved the stream-of-consciousness description of how it feels to be a normal human who wakes up in the cubic world of Minecraft. He did get a little freaked when the zombies started attacking and the first chapter came to an end on a cliffhanger, and wanted to stop there. One of the reviewers remarked that this story isn't very appropriate for little people. So I think we'll revisit it later. A couple of these novels have also been produced as audiobooks, so I think I'll buy this one as audiobook as well and play at least the first part for J, before the zombies come.  
In the meantime, the Minecraft comics are about J's intensity level. This is our second by this author

I don't quite understand how these comics are put together, though. They start with a comic story, then there's a longer, independent and purely written tale, then the comic story picks up at the end. Only the comic story is worth reading. It has typos and a few linguistic glitches, but seems to be human-translated, and by a person who knows the German language. As a story goes, it moves along snappily with decent dialogue and action. The written story, on the other hand, is either machine translated or by a total incompetent. It's a complete waste of time. 

I hope some other, more capable authors/illustrators produce some better Minecraft literary fare. 

Total audio: 51.31 hours
Total video: 80.58 hours
Total narration/description: 3.03 hours (category added 8.25.2015) 
Age 5.11.07

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