Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Grusel; Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 208-217/294 (kindle edition); E.T.A. Hoffmann, Nussknacker und Mausekönig, loc. 32-81/901 (kindle edition).
The German in the Hoffman story is really very difficult—early 19th century idiom, archaic & obsolete vocabulary ("einbescheren"), long periodic sentences—but by consulting the illustrations and discussing what they do an do not convey from the text, J seems to understand most everything. At least he says so. "Du kannst viel verstehen, nicht wahr?" "Ich kann fast alles verstehen."
For example, we compared the description of the Christmas tree and gifts ...
Aber die Kinder mußten auch das ganze Jahr über besonders artig und fromm gewesen sein, denn nie war ihnen so viel Schönes, Herrliches einbeschert worden als dieses Mal. Der große Tannenbaum in der Mitte trug viele goldne und silberne Äpfel, und wie Knospen und Blüten keimten Zuckermandeln und bunte Bonbons und was es sonst noch für schönes Naschwerk gibt, aus allen Ästen. Als das Schönste an dem Wunderbaum mußte aber wohl gerühmt werden, daß in seinen dunkeln Zweigen hundert kleine Lichter wie Sternlein funkelten und er selbst in sich hinein- und herausleuchtend die Kinder freundlich einlud seine Blüten und Früchte zu pflücken. Um den Baum umher glänzte alles sehr bunt und herrlich – was es da alles für schöne Sachen gab – ja, wer das zu beschreiben vermöchte! Marie erblickte die zierlichsten Puppen, allerlei saubere kleine Gerätschaften und was vor allem schön anzusehen war, ein seidenes Kleidchen mit bunten Bändern zierlich geschmückt, hing an einem Gestell so der kleinen Marie vor Augen, daß sie es von allen Seiten betrachten konnte und das tat sie denn auch, indem sie ein Mal über das andere ausrief: "Ach das schöne, ach das liebe – liebe Kleidchen: und das werde ich – ganz gewiß – das werde ich wirklich anziehen dürfen!" – Fritz hatte indessen schon drei- oder viermal um den Tisch herumgaloppierend und -trabend den neuen Fuchs versucht, den er in der Tat am Tische angezäumt gefunden. Wieder absteigend, meinte er: es sei eine wilde Bestie, das täte aber nichts, er wolle ihn schon kriegen, und musterte die neue Schwadron Husaren, die sehr prächtig in Rot und Gold gekleidet waren, lauter silberne Waffen trugen und auf solchen weißglänzenden Pferden ritten, daß man beinahe hätte glauben sollen, auch diese seien von purem Silber.
... with these two illustrations:
We talked about how the second illustration showed the apples and the sweets described in the text, but that the first better depicts the "hundred little lights" and the hussars clothed in red and gold, and things like that.
Piggy pedagogy

Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Media today 274
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Mister Fies, Mister Umgekehrt, Miss Unentschieden, Miss Vielfraß; David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 142-143. Listening: Rolf Krenzer, Die kleinen Wikinger, 0-23:00; Katharina Neuschaefer, Nordische Sagen 4: Vom Ende der Zeit—Ragnarök, 1.09 - 1.37; Ich weiß was, "Albert E. erklärt alles über die Schifffahrt" (51 min.); Nina Weger, Kommando Känguru (Die sagenhafte Saubande 1), 0-24:00; A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 0-1:06. Viewing: about 1.5 hours of various Let's PLay Minecraft videos. Gameplay: 45 mins.
This post covers the last week.
Total audio: 63.27 hours
Total video: 94.65 hours
Total gameplay: 7.38 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.23
This post covers the last week.
Total audio: 63.27 hours
Total video: 94.65 hours
Total gameplay: 7.38 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.23
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Media today 273
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 184-189/294 (kindle edition). Listening: Ich weiß was, "Albert E. erklärt Internet, Handy & Co" (44 min.); Lewis Carroll, Alice im Wunderland, 1.50 - 2.22.
Total audio: 60.15 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.15
Total audio: 60.15 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.15
Friday, November 13, 2015
Media today 272
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 174-184/294 (kindle edition).
Valkyries and Valhalla today:
Einherjar feasting in Valhalla:
But this one was J's favorite:
Valkyries and Valhalla today:
Einherjar feasting in Valhalla:
But this one was J's favorite:
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Media today 271
Reading: David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 140-141 (carburetor, fuel injection, pens); Roger Hargreaves, Miss Sonnenschein.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Yesterday was the first time I've heard J use a sentence with the word gegenüber in it. We've been working on that for about six months. He said something like "________ liegt auf der anderen Seite der Straße, gegenüber von ________."
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Easy as 1-2-3
Those of you familiar with the film Inglorious Basterds know that a crucial scene hinges on the difference between the English/American and German ways of counting on the fingers:
I made sure Jamie will never make this mistake:
I made sure Jamie will never make this mistake:
Media today 270
Reading: David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 137-139 (manned maneuvering unit, spray cans, fire extinguishers). Listening: Katharina Neuschaefer, Nordische Sagen 4: Vom Ende der Zeit—Ragnarök, 52:00 - 1:09. Gameplay: 15 mins.
Today with the Macaulay book we had the chance to read the descriptions while examining & fingering the objects themselves—and spraying the spray can of course.
Total audio: 58.59 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.07
Today with the Macaulay book we had the chance to read the descriptions while examining & fingering the objects themselves—and spraying the spray can of course.
Total audio: 58.59 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.07
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Media today 269
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 165-174/294 (kindle edition). Listening: Katharina Neuschaefer, Nordische Sagen 4: Vom Ende der Zeit—Ragnarök, 40:00 - 52:00. Viewing: Die Sendung mit der Maus, "Trüffelschwein" (7 min.); bluptv, "Trüffelschwein" (10:01 x 2). Gameplay: 45 mins.
The reading section was the story of the binding of Fenrir. We looked at a bunch of images:
Total audio: 58.42 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.38 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
The reading section was the story of the binding of Fenrir. We looked at a bunch of images:
Total audio: 58.42 hours
Total video: 93.25 hours
Total gameplay: 6.38 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.07
Today we availed ourselves of the rainy weather to go down to the local creek and play a game of "piggysticks," based on Poohsticks from Winnie-the Pooh.
Thusnelda won!
Friday, November 6, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Media today 267
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 158-165/294 (kindle edition).
This section was the story of the rebuilding of Asgard. We looked at & talked about some images.
And then looked at pictures of Sleipnir:
This section was the story of the rebuilding of Asgard. We looked at & talked about some images.
And then looked at pictures of Sleipnir:
Monday, November 2, 2015
Media today 266
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 142-158/294 (kindle edition); Roger Hargreaves, Miss Hokuspokus; M. E. Martin, Die Legende des Minecraft Drachenjunge: Drachenjunge und der Enderdrache; Listening: Katharina Neuschaefer, Nordische Sagen 4: Vom Ende der Zeit—Ragnarök, 0 - 40:00. Viewing: Rabadabading, "Minecraft Adventure Map, Deep Hole" #01-#02 (32 min.).
Total audio: 58.30 hours
Total video: 92.58 hours
Total gameplay: 5.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Total audio: 58.30 hours
Total video: 92.58 hours
Total gameplay: 5.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.02
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Minecraft Midgard
Jamie and I have been working on a Midgard-world in Minecraft along with our reading & listening in Norse mythology. Below are some screen-shots.
The Midgard serpent Jörmungand:
Who is actually a tunnel with light rail. Here's what he looks like from inside:
The World-Tree Yggdrasil, with Ratatösk climbing up the trunk:
Asgard with the eagle perched atop, and Bifröst, the Rainbow Bridge:
Lichtalbenheim, home of the Light Elves:
J is especially proud of the flower-gate he has build into Lichtalbenheim:
The Midgard serpent Jörmungand:
Who is actually a tunnel with light rail. Here's what he looks like from inside:
The World-Tree Yggdrasil, with Ratatösk climbing up the trunk:
Asgard with the eagle perched atop, and Bifröst, the Rainbow Bridge:
Lichtalbenheim, home of the Light Elves:
J is especially proud of the flower-gate he has build into Lichtalbenheim:
Media today 262-265
Reading: Katharina Neuschaefer, Die nordischen Sagen, 132-142/294 (kindle edition); Roger Hargreaves, Mister Muskel, Mister Glücklich. Listening: Katharina Neuschaefer, Nordische Sagen 3: Thor, der Donnergott, 1.23 - 2.25. Gameplay: 1.5 hours.
I changed the category "description/narration" to "gameplay" because it has proven both linguistically more productive and more fun to just log in with Jamie and play together. We're doing this mostly with Minecraft, but also a little bit with World of Warcraft.
Total audio: 57.50 hours
Total video: 92.26 hours
Total gameplay: 5.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.01
I realized today that date numeration I've been using is kind of awkward. Jamie's birthday is in November, so that is month 1, but his birthday is at the end of the month, so the 5 won't change to 6 until 6.01.27.
I changed the category "description/narration" to "gameplay" because it has proven both linguistically more productive and more fun to just log in with Jamie and play together. We're doing this mostly with Minecraft, but also a little bit with World of Warcraft.
Total audio: 57.50 hours
Total video: 92.26 hours
Total gameplay: 5.53 hours (category added 8.25.2015)
Age 5.01.01
I realized today that date numeration I've been using is kind of awkward. Jamie's birthday is in November, so that is month 1, but his birthday is at the end of the month, so the 5 won't change to 6 until 6.01.27.
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