Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Just over a year ago we tried reading/listening to Karl Olsberg's novel Würfelwelt. wasn't ready for it then

Well, he is now! We've just finished listening to the first story (also reading several chapters in the kindle version) and have started in on the second, Zurück in die Würfelwelt

J loves the story. It is suspenseful and well-told, and the quality of the German is high. From an L2 perspective it is very valuable; since J knows the videogame well, which is richly described in the book, he can visualize everything, picking up an enormous amount of vocabulary as he does so. 

Another L2 multiplier is that Gronkh, a well-known German YouTube artist of "Let's Play" whose Mincraft-videos J knows, is a character in the novel. So J has gone back and watched many of those old videos. In the last couple of days, I've noticed that when J has been playing Minecraft, he seems to be trying to imitate a Let's Play video by keeping up a constant stream of game-chat—in German!

Media update 297

J reading with me: Inge Meyer-Dietrich, Almud Kunert, Der kleine Drache und der Monsterhund.

Me Reading: R. Goscinny, A. Uderzo, Asterix der Gallier; Karl Olsberg, Würfelwelt (selections); DK Penguin Random House, Naturwissenschaften für clevere Kids (various pages) 

ListeningIch weiß was, "Albert E. erklärt die großen Entdecker (49 min.); "Karl Olsberg, Würfelwelt (4.36 min.)

Viewing: RoxasLP SoraHerz, Let's Play Ratatouille, episodes 1-11 (x 2, 540 min.); IOCUZ, Let's Play Kung Fu Panda (various episodes, 230 min); Gronkh, Let's Play Mincraft (337 min).

Total audio: 48.49
Total video: 66.35
Total gamplay: 6.40
Age 6.12.24 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nutcracker reloaded

J started learning a piano piece from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker today. Tonight he asked me if we could start reading the story again, since Christmas is  approaching. "And Gustav doesn't know it yet!", he informed me. 

We had a grand time with Nutcracker last year (here, here, here, here, here, and here). 

"I'm especially excited about the battle," he told his mommy.