Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Changes / Medienwandel

Numerous factors are making it increasingly difficult to post daily updates on L2 media, so I'm going to change "Media today #___" to "Media update #___" and reduce these posts to every few days.

Also, I will no longer be recording certain things like "Let's Play Minecraft" videos, because during his tablet time J accesses these himself now from the Youtube "history" function and it would be very difficult and time consuming to trace and document his record. 

Since we're monitoring him somewhat less, I am not unconcerned about him stumbling across videos with inappropriate content among the "suggested videos" that appear on the right side of the screen, but at this point he seems to be sticking to the videos of his favorite players as they move through their various series. A couple of these players (like SparkofPhoenix for example) do use light profanity, but as I've explained before, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since profanity is a part of any living language, and anyway J would be exposed to it were he growing up in a German-speaking country. However, we are trying to pay attention that he not come across anything too horrible. 

On the other hand, I'm very happy that, during his tablet time, J is opting for just as many German videos as English ones. In the last couple of weeks, in fact, he's been watching almost exclusively German ones. This is fantastic for his language development. SparkofPhoenix, for example, speaks very quickly and often mumblingly-slurringly. This is great counterpoint to my German, which is often overproper in its enunciation, not to mention things like vocabulary and sentence construction, etc. 

There are also numerous bits of daily semi-targeted L2 use that are going unrecorded. For example, on the four days per week I take J to school, I make an effort to arrive a couple of minutes early so that we have time to sit down on a bench or in the library and read a couple of jokes, riddles, or interesting facts. For this purpose I have materials like the following ready on my ipod via kindle:

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