Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Media today 68

Reading: Dimiter Inkiow, Ich und meine Schwester Klara, 27-35; Wieso, weshalb, warum, "Die Uhr und die Zeit," 5-7. 

Listening: Nina Weger, Kommando Känguru (Die sagenhafte Saubande 1), 28:30-39:30.

Viewing: Unten am Fluss, Season 1, Episodes 1-3 (65 min.)

There was a bit of a heartwrenching experience with the Inkiow book. In the chapter above, which is called "Wie Klara alle Menschen reich machen wollte" (How Klara wanted to make all people rich), the little girl and her brother (the narrator) decide that since money is paper, then so much can be printed that everybody gets plenty and they can all buy what they want. The children go with this plan to their grandpa, who laughs and bursts their bubble, telling them about the time in Germany "when everybody was a millionaire but a beer cost ten million." So the kids "gave up the idea, which still makes us sad today." At the ending J blinked and his face worked, then suddenly he burst into tears and bawled for about a minute. "I don't like it that they gave up the idea to help poor people!", he said through the sobs. 

So sweet. 

Total audio 2015: 13.16
Total video 2015: 16.42
Age 5.4.5

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