Piggy pedagogy

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Media today 163
Reading: Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 2. Die Wanderschaft, loc. 0 - 228/2997 (kindle edition). Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 4.40 - 5.27; Gudrun Mebs, Harald Lesch, Evolution ist, wenn das Leben endlos spielt, 0-40:00. Viewing: Rabadabading, "Meine knuffige Minecraftwelt" (39 min.).
The Mebs/Lesch evolution Hörspiel is the third junior science production by this team we have listened to (the other two are discussed here). They are fantastic. This one features the same cast of characters as the others. Here's a passage from around 25:20 that caused J much hilarity and several sentences of which he recited verbatim at bedtime tonight:
"Ja, diese Vielfalt [der Lebewesen], die ist ja Wahnsinn! Alle leben irgendwie und alle pflanzen sich fort. Es gibt also immer wieder neue Generationen von Lebewesen, immer wieder! Von der gleichen Sorte und *meistens* sind sie so wie die alten. Kinder von Pudeln sind auch Pudel. Elefanten bringen keine Mäuse zur Welt [much laughter]. Und aus einer Rose wird keine Tomate!"
Total audio 2015: 46.43
Total video 2015: 71.23
Age 5.8.29
The Mebs/Lesch evolution Hörspiel is the third junior science production by this team we have listened to (the other two are discussed here). They are fantastic. This one features the same cast of characters as the others. Here's a passage from around 25:20 that caused J much hilarity and several sentences of which he recited verbatim at bedtime tonight:
"Ja, diese Vielfalt [der Lebewesen], die ist ja Wahnsinn! Alle leben irgendwie und alle pflanzen sich fort. Es gibt also immer wieder neue Generationen von Lebewesen, immer wieder! Von der gleichen Sorte und *meistens* sind sie so wie die alten. Kinder von Pudeln sind auch Pudel. Elefanten bringen keine Mäuse zur Welt [much laughter]. Und aus einer Rose wird keine Tomate!"
Total audio 2015: 46.43
Total video 2015: 71.23
Age 5.8.29
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Media today 162
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Sonnenschein, Miss Ärger. App: Philipp Buchklub, Schulstart.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Media today 161
Reading: Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 1. Die Entführung, loc. 2423 - 2900 (end)(kindle edition). Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 4.18 - 4.40.
So we finished the first book in the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series. It was pretty good. The conclusion has been very exciting. But the middle section, where the owls Soren and Gyflie are prisoners in St. Aggie's, dragged quite tediously at times.
A generous interpretation would perhaps consider this tedium as reflecting the feel of experience being narrated. With a five-year-old, however, it's nice to have more action.
Total audio 2015: 46.16
Total video 2015: 70.53
Age 5.8.24
So we finished the first book in the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series. It was pretty good. The conclusion has been very exciting. But the middle section, where the owls Soren and Gyflie are prisoners in St. Aggie's, dragged quite tediously at times.
A generous interpretation would perhaps consider this tedium as reflecting the feel of experience being narrated. With a five-year-old, however, it's nice to have more action.
Total audio 2015: 46.16
Total video 2015: 70.53
Age 5.8.24
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Media today 160
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Prinzessin; David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 120 (pressure).
Vocabulary walk & talk 7
Yesterday I took along the verbs + preposition notebook (see here) on my walk with J and worked the following:
achten auf
sich abfinden mit
sich ärgern über
aufpassen auf
aussehen nach
sich beirren lassen durch
sich bemühen um
The new notebook is helpful in collating all the basic forms these expressions can take so I can work on them individually. For example, when J and I were walking a labyrinth nearby our house, I worked on ways of saying "pay attention to the path" using the verb/prep combo achten auf. There are three ways of using this.
1) Achten auf + accusative (auf A in the notebook)
2) Achten darauf, dass + subordinate clause (darauf, dass)
3) Achten darauf, infinitive clause (darauf, Inf.)
So I came up with sentences for all three forms and used them within a short period of time:
Achte auf den Weg!
Achte darauf, dass du den Schlängelweg einhältst!
Ach, ich muss darauf achten, den Weg nicht zu verlieren, während ich mit Thusnelda rede!
In terms of tactics, it is very helpful to have a puppet along on our walks to criticize me for repeating myself so often! ;)
achten auf
sich abfinden mit
sich ärgern über
aufpassen auf
aussehen nach
sich beirren lassen durch
sich bemühen um
The new notebook is helpful in collating all the basic forms these expressions can take so I can work on them individually. For example, when J and I were walking a labyrinth nearby our house, I worked on ways of saying "pay attention to the path" using the verb/prep combo achten auf. There are three ways of using this.
1) Achten auf + accusative (auf A in the notebook)
2) Achten darauf, dass + subordinate clause (darauf, dass)
3) Achten darauf, infinitive clause (darauf, Inf.)
Achte auf den Weg!
Achte darauf, dass du den Schlängelweg einhältst!
Ach, ich muss darauf achten, den Weg nicht zu verlieren, während ich mit Thusnelda rede!
In terms of tactics, it is very helpful to have a puppet along on our walks to criticize me for repeating myself so often! ;)
Monday, June 22, 2015
Media today 159
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Vielfraß; Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 1. Die Entführung, loc. 2274 - 2423 (kindle edition).Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 3.18 - 4.18. Viewing: Rabadabading, "Meine knuffige Minecraftwelt" (39 min.) Das Leben der Verlassenen #01 (15 min); Die Sendung mit der Maus, Sachgeschichten, "Filmtricks" (29 min. x 2)
The passage in A House on Pooh Corner ch. 4 in which Pooh and Piglet discuss how "Jagulars" sit up in trees and "drop on you as you walk by" is even funnier in German than in English because "dropper" is translated "Fallenlasser," a much sillier word; J wanted to listen to this scene five times.
The Sachgeschichte about film special effects really baked the boy's noodle. We watched it together and discussed it, and he was so fascinated that I then let him watch it again right away. (I find that a second viewing—or listening, or reading—especially when it follows right after the first, is very good for language-understanding purposes, since one knows what is coming and can understand words better when the context is known. Moreover, Arnim Maiwald, the host-narrator of the Sachgeschichten ...
... has a very mumbly way of talking that is good training to listen to and contrasts with the typical audiobook or television narrator, who artificially pronounce every. word. very. clearly.)
Also, when the arrow-through-the apple trick was demonstrated using a scene from Wilhelm Tell, J mentioned that this scene is used in the apple app he plays with alot. I was impressed; we haven't ever discussed the story before. Guess it's time to order this:
Total audio 2015: 45.54
Total video 2015: 70.53
Age 5.8.22
The passage in A House on Pooh Corner ch. 4 in which Pooh and Piglet discuss how "Jagulars" sit up in trees and "drop on you as you walk by" is even funnier in German than in English because "dropper" is translated "Fallenlasser," a much sillier word; J wanted to listen to this scene five times.
The Sachgeschichte about film special effects really baked the boy's noodle. We watched it together and discussed it, and he was so fascinated that I then let him watch it again right away. (I find that a second viewing—or listening, or reading—especially when it follows right after the first, is very good for language-understanding purposes, since one knows what is coming and can understand words better when the context is known. Moreover, Arnim Maiwald, the host-narrator of the Sachgeschichten ...
... has a very mumbly way of talking that is good training to listen to and contrasts with the typical audiobook or television narrator, who artificially pronounce every. word. very. clearly.)
Also, when the arrow-through-the apple trick was demonstrated using a scene from Wilhelm Tell, J mentioned that this scene is used in the apple app he plays with alot. I was impressed; we haven't ever discussed the story before. Guess it's time to order this:
Total video 2015: 70.53
Age 5.8.22
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Media today 158
Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 3.04 - 3.18.
Total audio 2015: 44.54
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.21
Total audio 2015: 44.54
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.21
Saturday, June 20, 2015
From being to representation
There was a significant lexical as well as conceptual moment this morning. J and were looking at this image at the New York Times:
I said: "Das sieht aus wie Ulli oder Sabine" (our mousie puppets). To which J replied: "Ja, ich glaube, das stellt Ulli dar." I've been working on darstellen for several months; this was the first time J has used it spontaneously-independently.
I said: "Das sieht aus wie Ulli oder Sabine" (our mousie puppets). To which J replied: "Ja, ich glaube, das stellt Ulli dar." I've been working on darstellen for several months; this was the first time J has used it spontaneously-independently.
Vocabulary 4: taking it up a notch or three
Up until now, I've been using a single index-card notebook to record German words and expressions I want to work on with J. Although this is "systematic" to the extent that I strive for a certain number of repetitions, the material itself is not organized in any particular way; I just write down any word or expression I think it would be a good idea for J to know. I talk about this here.
This summer, I've decided to start organizing this material systematically. So I took out this book...*
.... and photocopied the four comprehensive lists of idiomatic expressions:
1) Prepositional phrases
2) Preposition-adjective combinations
3) Idiomatic verb-preposition combinations
4) Idiomatic noun-verb-preposition combinations.
Then in a few cut-and-paste sessions ...
... I put together three new index-card notebooks. The first ...
... combines the first two lists, idiomatic prepositional phrases:
and idiomatic preposition-adjective pairs:
The second notebook:
Contains this sort of thing:
And the third notebook:
These puppies:
Obviously this is advanced and bookish language (especially the noun-verb-preposition combos), not the kind of thing one thinks of as conversational. And indeed, it's hard to imagine imagine ever trying to work an expression like etwas in Abrede stellen or eine Anfrage richten an into conversation with J!
Still, a large number of these expressions do occur in our L2 reading and listening, especially in the non-fiction materials. Furthermore, my own German, which is conditioned by literary and academic discourse, is simply rather bookish, so that is one of the linguistic registers J is going to get from me and I make no apologies for it. Lastly, the next notebook I'm planning will be a counterbalance to the elevated style: slang and "youthspeak." Already J says things like Verkrümele dich! and Verpinkele dich! when he wants me to stop bothering him! ;)
It's all about having multiple linguistic registers at one's command.
*Here's the most recent edition.
This summer, I've decided to start organizing this material systematically. So I took out this book...*
.... and photocopied the four comprehensive lists of idiomatic expressions:
1) Prepositional phrases
2) Preposition-adjective combinations
3) Idiomatic verb-preposition combinations
4) Idiomatic noun-verb-preposition combinations.
Then in a few cut-and-paste sessions ...
... I put together three new index-card notebooks. The first ...
... combines the first two lists, idiomatic prepositional phrases:
and idiomatic preposition-adjective pairs:
The second notebook:
Contains this sort of thing:
And the third notebook:
These puppies:
Obviously this is advanced and bookish language (especially the noun-verb-preposition combos), not the kind of thing one thinks of as conversational. And indeed, it's hard to imagine imagine ever trying to work an expression like etwas in Abrede stellen or eine Anfrage richten an into conversation with J!
Still, a large number of these expressions do occur in our L2 reading and listening, especially in the non-fiction materials. Furthermore, my own German, which is conditioned by literary and academic discourse, is simply rather bookish, so that is one of the linguistic registers J is going to get from me and I make no apologies for it. Lastly, the next notebook I'm planning will be a counterbalance to the elevated style: slang and "youthspeak." Already J says things like Verkrümele dich! and Verpinkele dich! when he wants me to stop bothering him! ;)
It's all about having multiple linguistic registers at one's command.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Media today 156
Reading: Dimiter Inkiow, Die spannendsten griechischen Sagen, 6-17. Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 1.56 - 3.04.
The Inkiow book contains shorter and simpler versions of some of the myths in the author's three-part audiobook series we've been listening to in the last three months.
J listened to the Pooh while puttering around the house this afternoon. Usually it's my wife who plays audiobooks for J at home; with me he listens to them almost exclusively in the car. And when my wife is playing them, they're in English. Today J requested Pooh in German.
Total audio 2015: 44.40
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.18
J listened to the Pooh while puttering around the house this afternoon. Usually it's my wife who plays audiobooks for J at home; with me he listens to them almost exclusively in the car. And when my wife is playing them, they're in English. Today J requested Pooh in German.
Total audio 2015: 44.40
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.18
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Media today 155
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Mister Sorge,Mister Weihnachten, Miss Weihnachten. Listening: A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 30:00 - 1.56. Viewing: Rabadabading, Das Leben der Verlassenen #01 (15 min); Das Leben der Verlassenen #02 (17 min).
Tablet time: Der Kleine ICE.
Total audio 2015: 43.32
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.18
Tablet time: Der Kleine ICE.
Total audio 2015: 43.32
Total video 2015: 68.32
Age 5.8.18
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Media today 154
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Geburtstag, Mister Lustig. Listening: Dimiter Inkiow, Griechische Sagen III, 1.07 - 1.32; A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 18.30 - 30:00. Viewing: Rabadabading, "Meine knuffige Minecraftwelt" (x2, 78 min.), Das Leben der Verlassenen #01 (15 min).
In Greek myths, J and I got a lot of laughs out of the passage (1.20:50) in the tale of Amor and Psyche where Aphrodite imagines with horror what it would be like to be a grandmother with a grandchild running after her calling "Oma! Oma!"
We listened to this passage four times. At one point J told me to wait while he stopped laughing.
Total audio 2015: 42.06
Total video 2015: 68.00
Age 5.8.17
Total video 2015: 68.00
Age 5.8.17
Thoughts on garfish
J: "Garfisch hört sich an wie garaus. Die sehen aus, als ob sie andere Fische [sic] den Garaus machen, wegen die [sic] lange Schauze."
Gewöhnlicher Hornhecht, actually.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Media today 153
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Hokuspokus; David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 119 (hydrofoils). Listening: Dimiter Inkiow, Griechische Sagen III, 41:30 - 1.07. Viewing: Rabadabading, Das Leben der Verlassenen #03, #04 (28 min).
Total audio 2015: 41.30
Total video 2015: 66.27
Age 5.8.16
Total audio 2015: 41.30
Total video 2015: 66.27
Age 5.8.16
Monday, June 15, 2015
Media today 152
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Ärger; Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 1. Die Entführung, loc. 1776 - 2274 (kindle edition). Listening: L. Frank Baum, Der Zauberer von Oz, 3.12 - 4.16 (end); A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär, 0 - 18.30. Viewing: Let's play Minecraft - Part 6 - Kamikaze-Angriff auf den Spinnen-Spawner (26 min.), Part 7 - Runter in die tiefsten Tiefen der Mine (19 min.); Let's Play Minecraft Adventure-Maps #001 [Deutsch] [HD] - Trapp3d, 0 - 9:00; Rabadabading, Minecraft Adventure Map [Facecam] - Das Leben der Verlassenen #01 (von BigBossBusinessTV) (14:30 min); Das Leben der Verlassenen #02 (17:00).
Harry Rowohlt is a brilliant Winne the Pooh translator and narrator; J loves this audiobook.
At this point he knows most of the stories practically by heart in English, since my wife reads them frequently and also often plays the audiobooks for him.
[Update: I learned this morning that Harry Rowohlt died just last night. So we were listening to the Pooh audiobook during the last moments of the living voice.]
He is becoming quite choosy with the kind of Minecraft gameplay and player he likes to watch, so it has taken awhile to find a new series that meets his criteria after he completed the last one. The ones from Rabadabading seem to have hit his sweet spot, mostly because the player-narrator is extremely silly and does a lot of silly voices. It's also nice to be able to see his face.
Total audio 2015: 41.04
Total video 2015: 65.59.
Age 5.8.15
Harry Rowohlt is a brilliant Winne the Pooh translator and narrator; J loves this audiobook.
At this point he knows most of the stories practically by heart in English, since my wife reads them frequently and also often plays the audiobooks for him.
[Update: I learned this morning that Harry Rowohlt died just last night. So we were listening to the Pooh audiobook during the last moments of the living voice.]
He is becoming quite choosy with the kind of Minecraft gameplay and player he likes to watch, so it has taken awhile to find a new series that meets his criteria after he completed the last one. The ones from Rabadabading seem to have hit his sweet spot, mostly because the player-narrator is extremely silly and does a lot of silly voices. It's also nice to be able to see his face.
Total audio 2015: 41.04
Total video 2015: 65.59.
Age 5.8.15
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Media today 150
Reading: Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 1. Die Entführung, loc. 1653 - 1776 kindle edition). Roger Hargreaves, Mister Glücklich.
New Germany coloring book
This came in the mail today:
J went nuts when he discovered there was a picture of the suspension railway in Wuppertal:
J went nuts when he discovered there was a picture of the suspension railway in Wuppertal:
Friday, June 12, 2015
Puppets and piano practice 7
J performed in his first piano recital in early May. He played "City Sounds" by Helen Marlais, then together we played "Alles neu macht der Mai" as a duet.
After weeks of practice with these two short pieces, they were very polished, so J played them very well and enjoyed himself immensely, mostly because he knew he played them well and the audience responded accordingly. The first thing he said after he sat down was "When are we going to do this again?"
Ever since the recital, his attitude toward practicing at home has been transformed. He now freely sits down more at the piano, practices on his own initiative, lets me sit next to him and help him, and enjoys playing his pieces as duets with me.
One upshot of this is that Friedel and Thusnelda don't have to intervene anymore in the practice sessions and reprimand me for my strictness. Or that's how it was for awhile, anyway. Recently there have been a couple of minor rough patches, and J has summoned them once again to mediate.
It's more lighthearted now though. J's recent thing is to have Thusnelda help him with the practice and dance along to the music while Friedel holds my mouth shut.
After weeks of practice with these two short pieces, they were very polished, so J played them very well and enjoyed himself immensely, mostly because he knew he played them well and the audience responded accordingly. The first thing he said after he sat down was "When are we going to do this again?"
Ever since the recital, his attitude toward practicing at home has been transformed. He now freely sits down more at the piano, practices on his own initiative, lets me sit next to him and help him, and enjoys playing his pieces as duets with me.
So, even though I've felt guilty and questioned myself on the many occasions when J has burst into tears at the keyboard, I do feel vindicated in pushing him rather hard over the last months. With music, as with many things, there's a positive-feedback loop: If one doesn't practice, then the first recitals can be unpleasant or even traumatic, leading one to want to practice even less, leading to ever worse recital experiences. If one practices, one plays well, enjoys oneself, and wants to practice more. For this reason, I felt it was crucial that his first recital experience be positive.
One upshot of this is that Friedel and Thusnelda don't have to intervene anymore in the practice sessions and reprimand me for my strictness. Or that's how it was for awhile, anyway. Recently there have been a couple of minor rough patches, and J has summoned them once again to mediate.
It's more lighthearted now though. J's recent thing is to have Thusnelda help him with the practice and dance along to the music while Friedel holds my mouth shut.
L2 talking Minecraft
Recently Jamie has started playing Minecraft himself, and has become quite addicted to it. We limit his gameplay of course, but on the whole I think it is a very engaging, mentally challenging, and creative activity, as are many video games. He's already built an amazing little gameworld and loves to show us around it.
Which is where L2 comes in. If I just sit down next to him as he plays and ask him what is going on, he will talk and talk. It's a kind of storytelling in which he is the main character.
His experience watching German Minecraft videos for four months has given him an extensive vocabulary, and his language of physical and locative description is getting very smooth and idiomatic.
This morning I had my language notebooks with me and, in my questions and comments, wove in a number of specific words and expressions I wanted to work on.
Also, it was fun.
Which is where L2 comes in. If I just sit down next to him as he plays and ask him what is going on, he will talk and talk. It's a kind of storytelling in which he is the main character.
His experience watching German Minecraft videos for four months has given him an extensive vocabulary, and his language of physical and locative description is getting very smooth and idiomatic.
This morning I had my language notebooks with me and, in my questions and comments, wove in a number of specific words and expressions I wanted to work on.
Also, it was fun.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Media today 149
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Hilfsbereit, Mister Muskel, Mister Lustig; David Macaulay, Das große Mammut-Buch der Technik, 114-118 (helicopters and VTOLs). Listening: L. Frank Baum, Der Zauberer von Oz, 2.36 - 3.12. Viewing: Let's play Minecraft - Part 5 - Mach's dir gemütlich (16 min.).
Right after I read the three Hargreaves stories J offered the following observation about Mister Pingelig (who didn't even come up in the stories today; we read about him two days ago): Weißt du, Papa: Ich glaube, Mr. Pingelig ist zu pingelig, um lachen zu können.
I thought that was both very insightful about human character (especially given the fact that humorlousness in not actually thematized in the story) and very elegantly expressed.
Total audio 2015: 40.00
Total video 2015: 64.42
Age 5.8.11
Right after I read the three Hargreaves stories J offered the following observation about Mister Pingelig (who didn't even come up in the stories today; we read about him two days ago): Weißt du, Papa: Ich glaube, Mr. Pingelig ist zu pingelig, um lachen zu können.
I thought that was both very insightful about human character (especially given the fact that humorlousness in not actually thematized in the story) and very elegantly expressed.
Total audio 2015: 40.00
Total video 2015: 64.42
Age 5.8.11
Grammar milestones: dative case
In the last couple of weeks, the dative case has been really coming together for J. Until recently he would formulate indirect objects in the accusative:
Zeigen wir das die Mama!
Kannst du das die Mama schicken?
Now he's getting it correct most of the time:
Zeigen wir das der Mama!
Kannst du das der Mama schicken?
Also, a few days ago he said that something was made aus weichem Käse. This is the first time I've heard him get that kind of adjective ending correct.
Zeigen wir das die Mama!
Kannst du das die Mama schicken?
Now he's getting it correct most of the time:
Zeigen wir das der Mama!
Kannst du das der Mama schicken?
Also, a few days ago he said that something was made aus weichem Käse. This is the first time I've heard him get that kind of adjective ending correct.
Wortschöpfungen 5
I have just been told that I have "oafed up" the whole business. "Papa, das hast du jetzt verblödiant." See here for a related word-creation.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Media today 148
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Ärger, Miss Quasselstrippe. Listening: L. Frank Baum, Der Zauberer von Oz, 2.07 - 2.36. Paul Maar, "Alles vom Aal," "Land auf dem Sonntag" (3 min).
Miss Ärger is one of J's favorites in the Hargreaves series.
He loves it how the characters who are wronged by Little Miss Trouble get their revenge by doing unto her as she had done unto them. He howled with laughter and wanted me to read the whole section again. Then he said: "Weißt du, sie haben Rache gemacht!"
Total audio 2015: 39.24
Total video 2015: 64.26
Age 5.8.10
Miss Ärger is one of J's favorites in the Hargreaves series.
He loves it how the characters who are wronged by Little Miss Trouble get their revenge by doing unto her as she had done unto them. He howled with laughter and wanted me to read the whole section again. Then he said: "Weißt du, sie haben Rache gemacht!"
Total audio 2015: 39.24
Total video 2015: 64.26
Age 5.8.10
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Media today 147
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Vielfraß, Mister Pingelig. Apps: "Der Apfel."
This app is another fairly complex and language-intensive one J has gone to many times voluntarily for the last two years.
This app is another fairly complex and language-intensive one J has gone to many times voluntarily for the last two years.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Media today 146
Reading: Kathryn Lasky, Die Legende der Wächter 1. Die Entführung, loc. 1340 - 1653 kindle edition). Listening: Robert Gernhardt, Versonnen blickt der Borstenigel: Geschichten und Gedichte für Kinder, 0 - 13:00; L. Frank Baum, Der Zauberer von Oz, 1.11 - 2.07. Viewing: Wie erklärt man das Fliegen? [Doku deutsch] (46 min.); Let's play Minecraft - Part 4 - Rudis Comeback! (23 min.).
Since it has been awhile since we have done back-to-back L1/L2 audiobook listening, I asked J today if he understands either version of The Wizard of Oz better, even a little bit. He said that he understands them both equally well.
J has also been very interested in airplanes recently. Today we built a few cardboard ones for the puppets and stufties:
All this was also very language-intensive; J has been chattering excitedly about the planes all day, talking about 1.5 times as much as usual—which is already quite a lot. I have also made sure to get my descriptions technically correct:
Total audio 2015: 39.02
Total video 2015: 64.26
Age 5.8.8
Since it has been awhile since we have done back-to-back L1/L2 audiobook listening, I asked J today if he understands either version of The Wizard of Oz better, even a little bit. He said that he understands them both equally well.
J has also been very interested in airplanes recently. Today we built a few cardboard ones for the puppets and stufties:
All this was also very language-intensive; J has been chattering excitedly about the planes all day, talking about 1.5 times as much as usual—which is already quite a lot. I have also made sure to get my descriptions technically correct:
Total audio 2015: 39.02
Total video 2015: 64.26
Age 5.8.8
Animal pen pals 4
The pen pals have neither visited nor written in a long time. This morning J wanted to write them emails:
Lieber Fritzi,
Was machst du denn die ganze Zeit? Wir haben gedacht, weil du so frech bist, musst du als Strafe für die grauen Eichhörnchen arbeiten. Aber ich hoffe, du wirst dich in der Nacht wegschleichen, wenn alle Eichhörchen schlafen.
Übrigens haben wir gerade zwei kleine Flugzeuge für Ulli und Sabine gebastelt. Wir haben zuerst ein paar Stücke Pappe aus der Recycling-Tonne geholt. Dann hat mein Papa daraus Flügel geschnitten. Dann hat er kleine Piloten-Sitze für die Mäuse gemacht. Dann hat er an den Tragflächen Düsen befestigt. Dann haben wir das getestet: Die Mäuse sind reingestiegen und losgeflogen. Die sind sich auf sehr alberne Art und Weise durchs ganze Haus nachgejagt. Es hat ihnen sehr viel Spass gemacht. Anbei findest du die Bilder, die wir von ihnen und den Flugzeugen gemacht haben. Wenn du bald kommen würdest, würden wir auch ein kleines Flugzeug für dich basteln! Vielleicht gibt dir das einen guten Grund, uns zu besuchen.
Liebe Grüße
Dein Jamie
I helped a good bit on the grammar, composition, and organization of that one. This next is entirely J's work except for some grammar help, marked in red.
Lieber Gustav,
Wo bist du die ganze Zeit? Dein Bruder sollte sich jetzt besser fühlen. Wir sagen dir einen guten Grund, nach Athens zu kommen. Also: Wir haben ein paar kleine Flugzeuge für Ulli und Sabine gemacht. Wir haben das auch Fritzi gesagt, dem roten Eichhörnchen. Wenn du kommst, könntest du auch deinen Bruder mitbringen. Vor einer langen Zeit haben wir ein Bild gefunden von einer kleinen grauen Stofftier-Ratte. Wir dachten, dass könntest Du sein, oder das könnte auch dein Bruder sein. Wenn du kommen würdest, könnten wir für dich ein kleines Flugzeug, wie wir gesagt haben, machen. Und vielleicht könnten wir auch ein Bild von dir machen. Wir hoffen, du kommst bald und dass wir dich bald sehen.
Viele Grüße Gustav!
Dein Jamie
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Vacation L2 media, May 30-June 7
Reading: Roger Hargreaves, Miss Schüchtern, Miss Neugierig, Mister Weihnachten, Miss Weihnachten, Mister Kitzel, Miss Tipptopp, Mister Dämlich, Mister Unverschämt, Mister Schlotter, Mister Faul; A.L. Milne, Pu der Bär, 248 - 264. Listening: Paul Maar, Jaguar und Neinguar. Gedichte (48 min.); Dimiter Inkiow, Griechische Sagen III, 36:30-41:30. L. Frank Baum, Der Zauberer von Oz, 0 - 1.11. Viewing: Let's Play Kung Fun Panda Deutsch, Episode #009 (16 min.).
J really loved this syllable-switch poem from the Paul Maar collection:
Land auf dem Sonntag
Im Scheinensonn
taubt eine Gurr.
Im Schattenhaus
katzt eine Schnurr.
Es hummelt ein Brumm
wie ein Wagenlast.
Sanft schweint ein Grunz
vor der Wirtschaftsgast.
Im Weiherdorf
froscht tief der Tauch.
Oben am Dachhaus
schlotet der Rauch.
Ein Pinkel, der hundet
auf Blumenmohn.
Der Schimpf vatert laut
im Zimmerwohn.
Ein Fahrerssonntag
wagent den Wende.
Das dauert zu lange,
drum gedichtet das Ende.
The whole week long he was constantly asking me questions like: Papa, kann ein Pinkel wirklich hunden? and Kann ein Schimpf wirklich vatern? When I would get irritated or mad with him I would say: Ok, gleich vatert der Schimpf, wenn das so weitergeht!
We first listened to The Wizard of Oz in English on our trip, then started the German. As I've said several times before, this kind of back-to-back L1-L2 listening or reading is very helpful for developing vocabulary and also fosters the ability to switch between L1 and L2 very quickly.
Total audio 2015: 37.53
Total video 2015: 63.17
Age 5.8.7
J really loved this syllable-switch poem from the Paul Maar collection:
Land auf dem Sonntag
Im Scheinensonn
taubt eine Gurr.
Im Schattenhaus
katzt eine Schnurr.
Es hummelt ein Brumm
wie ein Wagenlast.
Sanft schweint ein Grunz
vor der Wirtschaftsgast.
Im Weiherdorf
froscht tief der Tauch.
Oben am Dachhaus
schlotet der Rauch.
Ein Pinkel, der hundet
auf Blumenmohn.
Der Schimpf vatert laut
im Zimmerwohn.
Ein Fahrerssonntag
wagent den Wende.
Das dauert zu lange,
drum gedichtet das Ende.
The whole week long he was constantly asking me questions like: Papa, kann ein Pinkel wirklich hunden? and Kann ein Schimpf wirklich vatern? When I would get irritated or mad with him I would say: Ok, gleich vatert der Schimpf, wenn das so weitergeht!
We first listened to The Wizard of Oz in English on our trip, then started the German. As I've said several times before, this kind of back-to-back L1-L2 listening or reading is very helpful for developing vocabulary and also fosters the ability to switch between L1 and L2 very quickly.
Total audio 2015: 37.53
Total video 2015: 63.17
Age 5.8.7
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