Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Media today 5: Der kleine Wassermann

Otfried Preußler, Der kleine Wassermann, ch. 6. The scene where the boy dreams that the nine-eyed fish is putting some new eyes on his—the boy's—face led us to some haptic play that J wanted to repeat several times ("hier eins hin, da eins hin, dort eins hin"; "eins auf die Stirn und eins auf jede Wange und eins auf das Kinn"). There's also a good description of what it feels to have a bad dream (feeling of being stiff and not being able to move or call out) that J said matched his experiences. 

Also, the word beneiden ("to envy") came up in this chapter. I explained it roughly so: "Envy is when somebody has something that you really want and you feel bad because they have it and you don't and you really want it and sometimes this even makes you not like the person, even if they are nice." I asked J if he felt envy for anybody; he said he did not. I told him I sometimes did, that most people do at some point, that it's normal, but that you should try to let go of the feeling, even if it's hard.

Age 4.12.12

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