Piggy pedagogy

Piggy pedagogy

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Media update 287

Reading: Erin Hunter, Warrior Cats. In die Wildnis, loc. 614-933/3553 (kindle edition); Walter Moers, Käpt'n Blaubärs Seemansgarn; Christoph Bieber, KiTaBu – Witze, Rätsel, Wissenswertes: Das Kinderbuch gegen langweilige Autofahrten (kindle; selections); Fritz Fischer, 350 Scherzfragen für Schlaufüchse und Knobelkönige (kindle; selections). Listening: Käthe Recheis, König Arthur und die Ritter der Tafelrunde, 5.37-7.20 (end); Ich weiß was, "Die Welt der Zahlen" (59 min.). Gameplay: 1 hour.


The King Arthur audiobook was great right up to the end. J really enjoyed it, making a lot of comments and asked a lot of questions throughout. A few days ago he asked me to pause the listening for a moment while he compared the sorceresses Vivian and Morgana, deciding that Vivian was worse because (in this version) she casts the permanent sleep-spell on Merlin. 

When in the Albert E. audiobook the seven deadly sins came up, J started and asked if they were the "seven deadly virtues" (in English) from Camelot. I tried to explain how in the musical, Mordred turns things on their head and that the virtues (Tugenden) are actually positive qualities. We then went over the seven deadly sins: Hochmut, Habgier, Genusssucht, Maßlosigkeit, Faulheit, Neid, Streitsucht (the last not quite canonically; usually it's Zorn/Wut/Rachsucht). 

Also, J totally understood the significance of this from the Moers book:

"Er bringt Eulen nach Athen, weil Athena ja dort lebt und Eulen sind ihre Haustiere!"

Total audio: 13.36
Total video: 3:11
Total gamplay: 1.30
Age 6.05.27

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